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October 29, 2023Ultimate Basic Croatian Phrase List - English/Croatian
Are you wanting to start learning Croatian? Inspired by Pula or Rijeka? Or simply want to feel a little more polite and learn 'please' and 'thank you'? Have a look at these downloadable basic Croatian phrase lists for some inspiration!
I collated a basic list whilst taking a Flixbus with a wonderful Croatian lady. Despite being absolute strangers, we spent the journey discussing nuances in languages and both came away enlightened. I found The Turquoise Collection a great site for further learning, particularly the explanations of pronunciations. Wherever I go, I usually try to watch a couple of YouTube videos for basics, too. I find being confident in at least one or two words goes a long way - it helps deter scammers, and the lovely locals usually love your attempts.
Feeling nervous, I braved ordering a coffee - "Dobar dan, espresso molim". I had no idea what the response was, and laughed it off as they realised I was English. They later complimented me for my pronunciation - the waiter nearly dropped the coffee when I told him I'd only arrived in the country the day before. Give it a go - you never know, you may be a natural.
I've updated this to add more lists of random words/phrases I learnt that you may find useful. Sometimes you just need to know how to find the chocolate ice cream!